Sunday, March 30, 2014

Bill Maher tells Democrats to stand their ground and stop apologizing for Obamacare.

Bill Maher had strong words for Democrats as he urged the party to stand their ground, and stop apologizing for Obamacare.

Maher used the example of the treatment of Jimmy Carter to highlight how Democrats meekly go along when Republicans create a false theme, like Carter’s failed presidency.

Bill Maher was right. Democrats need to stop being conned by Republicans into running away from their accomplishments that voters like. It is unbelievable to think that Democratic candidates around the country don’t understand that by apologizing for Obamacare, they are buying into what Republicans are selling, and giving the GOP a favorable electoral environment.

Republicans only want to discuss their version of the ACA. They don’t want to discuss the fact that the actual components of the law are popular with people, or what it would mean if the ACA were repealed.

By not standing their ground, and defending the law that they voted for, Democrats are setting up the perfect conditions for defeat. When Republicans call Obamacare a disaster, the first word out any Democrat’s mouth should be no, and then a discussion of how Republicans are hiding behind Obamacare to avoid talking about jobs, the economy, equal pay, the minimum wage, immigration, or any of the other dozens of issues that Republicans refuse to discuss.

Democrats need to start being the party of yes we can, and stop apologizing for yes we did.

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